7 Tips To Find An App Developer

7 Tips To Find An App Developer
Find An App Developer

Now that you have decided to utilize a mobile app for your business, your next step is to find an app developer.

Securing a great mobile app development company is just as hard today as it was five years ago. The main difficulty is finding the right app developers that have ALL of the necessary skill sets to meet your needs.

Mobile app design is a sizzling hot profession at the moment because more people are finding that apps are invaluable tools to promote their business, generate income, and assist their potential customers and clientele.

In the United States securing top mobile software development is not an easy task. This advice is designed to ensure that you understand the various complexities.

Before committing to any person or company, you need to understand and grasp:

The Find An App Developer Vetting Process

As you may have surmised, the above is in no particular order.

That stated, the importance of embracing those six critical points throughout your decision-making process can never be overstated. From here on, your focus should be integrating these critical points into your mindset at every turn.


Remember your objective is to find an app developer, during the vetting and selection process, you will be required to decipher between the thousands of ill-prepared freelancers, un-skilled outsourcers, inept offshore teams, and sketchy companies, versus reputable and well-established agencies.

You must keep in mind that a high percentage of mobile phone app developers are not qualified to complete the project you want to get done.

The truth be known, many of them are jumping on the get rich quick bandwagon and are just getting started with app development; that means you MUST choose your app developer wisely.

Don't Let Money Guide Your Decision

In your pursuit to find an app developer, if your first consideration is cost, you may already be in trouble.

In many cases, saving a couple of bucks may harm your final product.

Selecting the right mobile apps designer is the key to achieving results when bringing your ideas to fruition. With so many critiques and reviews concerning mobile app development companies, you may still face a great deal of challenges when attempting to identify the very best one.

Here are some informative suggestions to help you make the right decision so that you can successfully find an app developer.

Do They Share Your Vision?

After you formulate an idea of an award-winning app, you need to find an app developer who shares your vision.

Enthusiasm and passion and are vital character traits when it comes to honing out mobile app development.

It’s not solely about the process. It is about being creative.

Professional development agencies will not just pursue your concepts at each stage of the process, but they are going to employ unique and innovative solutions that make your app as appealing to users as humanely possible.

How Do They Build Their Applications?

In any business, there will always be inexperienced people, con artists, and wannabes seeking to make a quick buck off of unsuspecting individuals.

The business of designing and building apps is no different, consequently, in your quest to find an app developer, never forget that you must be diligent in your vetting process.

Why? Sadly, the marketplace is filled with novice freelancers and alleged coders who use inferior Low Code design applications and other substandard coding applications to build and launch primitive apps that may look good but work horribly. Your initial contact with any web development services may seem promising, but you must thoroughly vet their profile.

If you need to find an app developer, follow this tutorial from start to finish. If you have other app related issues, let us know, we have the answers!

Do They Copy & Paste Or Code?

In your quest to find an app developer, you want to know if they code from scratch, or, if they use templates or if they use any of the increasingly popular Low Code applications.

Generally speaking, people who use templates and Low Code design applications are not true UX/UI coders.

Some mobile phone application developers depend on pre-designed templates, to churn out apps effortlessly and cheaply.

If you only require a basic app, that may be an OK option. You can choose from a myriad number of templates and designs that require no coding customization.

However, if you require e-commerce solutions, enterprise mobile app development, or other complex design implementations, templates, and Low Code app designs are not your answer.

A customized app is designed exclusively around your concepts, suggestions and your audience, which translates to higher user rates.

Additionally, agencies that build native mobile apps offer a significantly higher quality of work.

That means cleaner code, better design overall, smoother functions and transitions plus a more attractive user interface. Prior to launch your app will undergo extensive testing. That brings me to my next point.

Avoid Freelancers

If your organization is counting on this app to deliver customer service, provide e-commerce, or to drive essential parts of your business, you must avoid using a one-person shop. You want to find an app developer who is plugged into a team!

To be crystal clear, we do support freelancers, but we do not recommend risking your start-up or established business on one for this type of a project and here are the reasons why:

How To Start App Development

Consumer alert! Coding is not the sole issue to be considered. You need to take into account vital factors such as:

One-man shops are usually not able to provide a complete combination of necessary services.

That lack of skill sets will result in additional costs and added time.

You will need to vet and hire the necessary specialists. If something goes wrong, opening up a trouble ticket is not an option with one-man shops. Consequently, YOU will be forced to address and solve the problem.

Are you prepared for that?

Will Your App Be Running On Dual Platforms?

Some mobile app companies only develop apps for one operating system, iOS or Android.

Other agencies code for both.

Don’t make any commitments or pay any fees until you have an ironclad guarantee concerning which operating system(s) your app will be deployed on.

And, do they adhere to the best coding practices for each platform?

Download And Test Their Apps

How much design experience do they have?

Find out about other apps the company has designed and launched.

Download and explore their previous work.

Do their apps function proficiently?

Do their designs make sense?

What about the consumer reviews?

The process of “kicking the tires,” allows you to peer into their development skills or lack thereof.

You can gain an awareness of their style or lack thereof.

When you eventually decide on a mobile app company, you can utilize their past designs as recommendations for features you wish to have.

Are You Suitable Partners?

A project of this magnitude demands unity, teamwork and a clear vision.

Your mobile app development team does not just work for you, the two of you become partners.

Needless to say, you expect them to design an application that performs as expected, but a great mobile app developer is going to propose options and concepts to make your app even better.

Ideally, you want to consult with the project manager or the primary contact person.

You want to get a sense of how the company conducts project management.

Do they use a project management software?

Communication is critical when developing technology.

Does your dialogue with the team feel smooth? Do you believe they have a clear comprehension of your vision and goals?

After this essential communication vetting process, can you see yourself partnering with them?

Always Check References

As part of the required step of performing your due diligence, you should touch base with the clients of apps built by the agency you are contemplating using.

Determine what it was like to work with the company.

Discover what their clients liked and disliked. Did the agency produce the expected results? Did they complete their projects on time and within budget? Did they offer any creativity to the project that warranted rave reviews?

The competition amongst mobile app developers is fierce. As a result, numerous developers will make promises they are incapable of keeping.

As you may know, if something sounds too good to be true, the developer is most likely over-promising in an attempt to secure your business.

As previously stated, they may rely on pre-designed cookie cutter templates. Or, they may provide you with a white label option as opposed to a customized app.

Striving to avoid common problems when choosing an app developer is a tall task. Under no circumstances should you go with the first choice. Go through the vetting process. Remain vigilant. Never allow yourself to be pressured or hard closed.

Remember, a top-quality mobile app developer will offer specifics on how they will bring your vision to pass.

They will set milestones and deadlines and keep them. They will have detailed questions about your needs. Good luck in your journey to find an app developer.