App Store Keyword Ranking – How To Outrank Your Competition

App Store Keyword Ranking – How To Outrank Your Competition
app store keyword ranking

Understanding App Store Keyword Ranking system is the key to outranking your competition. Why do you need this crucial info?

There are millions of apps currently available in the Apple App Store. Most of these apps probably have the same functions. There could be hundreds of calculators you could choose from or a whole host of RPG games that share similar or identical themes.

If you are an app developer, you need to maximize your app’s visibility. You need to make sure that when users search for an app, yours would not only be visible, but is ranked #1 for your niche’s search terms.

People using Apple products most likely download their programs from the App Store. Given the number of available apps in the market, consumer visibility is something you have to work hard for. This is why you absolutely need to have an App Store Optimization or ASO plan.

ASO enables you to maximize the viability of your app when your prospective app users search for a solution to their needs.

Apple has set factors that determine an app’s search results ranking. Use the following factors to optimize your app’s search positioning and dominate your competition.

The more visible your app is in the results ranking, the more people can download, install, and use your app. The more users you have the higher your rank.

In this discussion; we will look into three of the fundamental aspects of “app discoverability” in App Store results.

These three are the name of the app, the subtitle you make, and the keywords you use. Use this information to help you choose a name, compose the right subtitle and select keywords that can effectively boost your rankings.

Your App Name Impacts Your App Store Keyword Ranking

As an app user myself, manually finding specific apps I am looking for in the store could be troublesome. Even so, I think developers have a harder time looking for ways to make their product visible on that top list.

This is where App Store Optimization comes in. Rank your app high enough and more users will download your product.

When you look for an app, the following takes place:

you directly type in keywords in the search panel and then wait for the store to display its list.

This process is probably the most vital part of ASO. Not everybody can be in the first screen of results. Apple currently employs an algorithm which mainly uses the app title to rank apps in user search results. Please that again; app store keyword ranking can become simple once you learn that truth together with the ones I’m about to share.

It is unavoidable for developers to use the same keywords. This is where popularity comes in. The algorithm, if given the same set of keywords specifically used to search for an app, gives weight to other elements. These are the app’s conversion rates, the number of times an app was installed, the number of reviews it has received, and its ratings.

In a keyword search, an app name definitely takes the highest priority in ranking. When shown with results, you will usually notice the app icon first, but after that, it’s the name that counts. This is why you need to put in the time and effort to come up with a real good name.

Apple used to allow 255 characters in a name. In September 2016, they reduced this to 50. A year later, it became 30. When choosing your name, never go over 30 characters; that’s another tricky aspect that deters many from acquiring any app store keyword ranking.

This was implemented to prevent stuffing keywords in apps’ names. This change also improved the quality and efficiency of the search function. Shorter names also made for a better overall search experience App Store users.

Limiting the length of keywords also prevents developers from tricking the algorithm. Some tend to use popular words that are completely irrelevant to they type of app they are publishing. This type of spam makes the App Store search function worthless.

For well-known apps, the algorithm is pointless since we can just search by their specific names. But for less popular ones, getting the right mix of branding and keywords can go a long way.

How do you come up with a good name?

You need something that is one-of-a-kind. When using a name, make sure it effectively conveys its purpose together with the icon you use for branding. You should pair these with great screenshots of your app. The right combination of these elements make your app stand out from the competition.

Find your competitors, analyze them, and find an edge. Use powerful and significant keywords and avoid using spammy special characters.

How you position your keywords in your app’s name can play a part in your rankings too. Even though this hasn’t been put to test, there is also no proof that says this doesn’t work. Ordering your keywords in regard to its importance can put your app on top of the competition if all other factors are equal.

Keep abreast of the latest news concerning App Store Keyword Ranking, Optimization, App Development and more.

App Subtitle

If your first consideration is cost, you may already be in trouble.

In many cases, saving a couple of bucks may harm your final product.

Selecting the right mobile apps designer is the key to achieving results when bringing your ideas to fruition. With so many critiques and reviews concerning mobile app development companies, you may still face a great deal of challenges when attempting to identify the very best one.

Here are some informative suggestions to help you make the right decision so that you can successfully develop your mobile app business.

iTunes And The Keyword Field

App store keyword ranking ALERT! The iTunes Connect Keyword Field is another tool that can help you rank your app high.
These are 100 extra characters you can utilize. Same with your name and keyword field, when using the iTunes field, remember to adopt powerful and relevant keywords.

Again, avoid repeating them for that may trigger spam flagging and you’re not really giving searchers new information.

Finding The Right Keywords

We have been talking about using the correct keywords, but how do you know it’s the right one?

This could be challenging but there are a lot of app store keyword ranking tools available online that can help you. These resources not only help you find good keywords, but they can monitor how your target keywords are faring.

They can also clue you in on the keywords your competitors are using and find new ones you can include in your ASO.

Tools such as:

Good Keywords Are a MUST!

In finding good keywords, it is optimal to collect ones that are most closely related to your app.

Find as many as you can.

From this list, find out the ones that have excellent search performance in the App Store.
Keep sifting through combinations and cross referencing them with keyword search data until you come up with a list of the best keywords.

Here are the key elements you need to consider when choosing keywords:

Remember, as it pertains to App Store Keyword Ranking, if your app doesn’t convert well, your app will lose ranking. This means less people can see your app and download it.

This decreased rate then further depresses your search ranking. Make sure your keywords are ranked within the top 10. The first page of the search list can only display up to 10 apps.
Monitor your keyword ranking from time to time and make a habit of checking out the competition.

The third element is all about popularity or search volume.

Make sure to use keywords that have a high search volume, especially when you are trying to decide between similar keywords. You can’t go wrong with popular terms/keywords.

Follow Through

There are so many ways to help you find that perfect fit of keywords to boost your app’s chances of success.

While all this info is great, you need to not just understand them but actually follow through. Execution is crucial.

Make sure to monitor your keyword’s performance and do the necessary adjustments to maintain that sweet spot.

Launching an app takes a lot of focus, discipline, and consistent effort. Your app’s success initially hinges on its visibility in the app store.

In order to be part of that highly coveted top list, you need to be able to optimize your app name, keywords and subtitles you use.

Moreover, you should remember that app store keyword ranking is not a one-time thing. Keyword ranking needs constant monitoring and updating on your part to maintain your market lead.